Goldschmidt 2019

18-23 August 2019 at Congress Centre, Barcelona, Spain

Goldschmidt is the foremost annual, international conference on geochemistry and related subjects, organised by the European Association of Geochemistry and the Geochemical Society.

In 2019, Goldschmidt will take place in Barcelona, Spain, from 18 to 23 August.

Session 10c “Arctic and sub-Arctic processes: Understanding changing ocean circulation and biogeochemistry” is co-convened by Michael KarcherChristian Marz and Robyn Tuerena, along with Nuria Casacuberta, John Smith, and Lauren Kipp.

See below for details of oral and poster presentations by investigators in the Changing Arctic Ocean programme.

Tuesday 20 August
Session 10c: Flash Talk Theatre 2
Session 08g, Room 133+134
Thursday 22 August
Session 10c: Poster theatre
Friday 23 August
Session 10c, Room 112