Dr Ilkka Matero

Postdoctoral researcher, Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI)

My scientific work is centred around studying the autecological responses of ice algae to changing environmental conditions in the Arctic.

As part of Diatom-ARCTIC, I am developing the representations of the physical and biogeochemical processes in the BFM-SI (Biogeochemical Flux Model – Sea Ice), and testing/constraining the model using data from laboratory experiments and observational data.

The application of BFM-SI on habitat and regional scales allows for assessing the production potential of discrete sea ice habitats (level first-year, ridged ice, multiyear) under varying environmental conditions. This work will in turn allow for making series of projections of future changes in algal chl-a and production in the Arctic.

Diatom-ARCTIC is co-funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and by NERC.