Dr Chris Wilson

Co-investigator, National Oceanography Centre

Chris Wilson is a senior scientist at the National Oceanography Centre, based in Liverpool, UK. He has experience in observing, modelling and predicting the climate system and the dynamical processes that control climate.

His expertise is in ocean mesoscale dynamics (a strongly nonlinear part of the climate system, with characteristic scales typically of ~ 10 km, ~ 1 week), their connection to and effect on climate, its adjustment and predictability.

Chris is a co-investigator in APEAR and he continues his work on Arctic and subpolar oceanography from his involvement as a co-investigator in the OSNAP project. Relevant recent work includes observational diagnosis of Lagrangian coherent structures in order to develop a refined model of Gulf Stream transport and mixing.

Within APEAR, he will examine Lagrangian transport and connectivity, and their relation to physical mechanisms affecting biogeochemistry, using output from a state of the art, high-resolution model under different climate forcing and sea ice evolution scenarios.

APEAR is co-funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and by NERC.

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