Dr Felipe Sales de Freitas

Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Bristol

I’m a Research Associate at School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, mainly working in the geochemical modelling aspects of the ChAOS project.

I’m an oceanographer by training, particularly interested in biogeochemical processes in marine sediments. My research has mostly focused on organic geochemistry aspects, applying lipid biomarker techniques as tools for the characterization of sources of organic matter and diagenetic processes in recent sediments.

During my PhD studies I have pursued a challenge and exciting multidisciplinary approach, combining organic geochemistry and diagenetic modelling for answering bigger questions about the links between reactivity and sources of organic matter in marine sediments on global-scale.

In my current research within ChAOS project, I’m taking a further step into diagenetic modelling. I’m bringing my knowledge and experience gained during my previous studies for developing a quantitative understanding of biogeochemical processes of arctic sediments. I will apply state-of-the-art Reaction Transport Models (RTM) for quantifying organic matter reactivity, degradation rates, and fluxes across the sediment-water interface. The RTM approach will integrate a variety of chemical, geological, and biological processes and will allow for a comprehensive understanding of those biogeochemical processes and their responses to environmental changes in regional and temporal scales.