Gennadi Lessin is marine systems modeller at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML). His areas of expertise include dynamics of nitrous oxide and methane in pelagic and benthic environments, benthic-pelagic biogeochemical and ecosystem interactions and coupling between physics and ecological processes.
He has experience modelling dynamics of diverse marine environments including Baltic, Mediterranean and North Seas, at various scales and levels of system complexity. His is specifically interested in multidisciplinary approach integrating modelling with experimental and observational data as a means to increase understanding of marine system functioning and to assist decision-making.
In PETRA, his main focus will be on refinement of model parameterisations of N2O and CH4 dynamics using new observational data, as well as on development of ERSEM as a predictive modelling tool.
PETRA is co-funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and by NERC.