Dr Geoffrey Abbott

Co-investigator, Newcastle University

Geoffrey Abbott is a Reader in Organic Geochemistry in the Geosciences group (School of Natural and Environmental Science) at Newcastle University.

He is overseeing the evaluation of organic matter quantity, source, and reactivity from contrasting regions of ice cover to assess its impact on carbon and nutrient recycling and burial.

His passion is applying molecular geochemical, biogeochemical and analytical pyrolysis techniques to address major questions related to the evolution of the Earth’s environment.

His research combines detailed laboratory experiments on organic geochemical processes with studies of the carbon cycle in ancient and modern environments (specifically Arctic marine sediments, northern peatlands and soils).

Geoff will be coordinating the organic geochemical analysis of the seafloor mud and evaluating what can (and perhaps cannot!) be realistically gleaned about environmental processes from stratigraphic biomarker analysis of the Arctic Ocean floor, as part of the ChAOS project.