Project: An integrative approach of ecological and biogeochemical aspects of benthic/pelagic exchanges of biologically important substances at different temporal and spatial scales
Supervisors: Prof Steve Widdicombe (PML), Dr Ana M. Queiros (PML), Dr Charlie Thompson (NOC)
Saskia is a PhD student enrolled at Southampton University and based at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML). She is investigating benthic/pelagic processes along the environmental gradient of water mass distribution and sea ice extent on the transect of the ChAOS cruises in the Barents Sea.
Her main contribution to this project are a series of sediment resuspension experiments on box-cored sediment, using an annular mini flume. Aside from measures of sediment stability/erodibility, this will provide her with information on the exchange rates of organic carbon, organic matter and nutrients at each of the stations.