EGU 2020

3-8 May 2020 at Austria Center, Vienna, Austria

This event has moved online

The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.

In early April 2019, the EGU General Assembly 2020 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences.

Sessions at EGU 2020 with involvement of scientists in the Changing Arctic Ocean:

Tuesday 5 May from 10:45 to 12:30 ~ Session EOS6.1 “Promoting and supporting equality, diversity and inclusion in the geosciences
  • Kate Hendry (ChAOS) presents “Women in UK Ocean Science: Experiences of female leadership roles at sea”
Wednesday 6 May from 08:30 to 10:15 ~ Session ITS2.8/OS4.10 “Plastic in the marine environment: observing and explaining where it comes from and where it goes“, convened by Stefanie Rynders (APEAR)
Wednesday 6 May from 14:00 to 18:00 ~ Session BG4.1 “Biogeochemistry of coastal seas and continental shelves – including a brief overview of the French-German MOPGA Initiative
  • Kate Hendry (ChAOS) presents “Impact of glacial meltwater on biogeochemical cycling in coastal and shelf waters off South West Greenland: Insights from ship-board and glider observations”
Thursday 7 May from 08:30 to 12:30 ~ Session OS1.11 “Changes in the Arctic Ocean, sea ice and subarctic sea systems”, convened by Yevgeny Aksenov (APEAR)
  • Chris Wilson (APEAR) presents “Variability of Lagrangian pathways and coherent structures in the Arctic and its effect on the predictability of MOSAiC drift and material transport”
    • View the abstract here
  • In memory of Maria Luneva, Yevgeny Aksenov (APEAR) presents “Cascading and the pathways of the key biogeochemical tracers in the Canadian Basin: from models and observations”
  • Stefanie Rynders(APEAR) presents “Eddy statistics validation of an ORCA12 ocean and sea ice model for the Arctic with satellite data”
  • Yevgeny Aksenov (APEAR) presents “Arctic connections between sea ice, ocean dynamics and biogeochemistry in the UK Earth System Model (UK ESM1): present climate and future scenarios”
Thursday 7 May from 16:15 to 18:00 ~ Session CR7.1 “Cryosphere change impacts on marine ecosystems and biogeochemical cycling
  • Judith Braun (Arctic PRIZE) presents “Seasonal nutrient supply and uptake in the Barents Sea”
  • James Ward (ChAOS) presents “The Barents Sea Benthic Silica Cycle and its Sensitivity to Change: a Stable Isotopic and Reaction-Transport Model Study”
Friday 8 May from 10:45 to 12:30 ~ Session BG4.3 “Mobilization of permafrost material to aquatic systems and its biogeochemical fate
  • Tina Sanders (EISPAC) presents “Fate and transport of nitrogen in soils, sediment and water of the Lena Delta, Northeast Siberia”
    • View the abstract here
    • View the presentation slides here